"Communion of the Saints: Human Dignity and Some Touchy Subjects" by Dr. R.J. Snell is another video on the subject currently before members of the United Methodist Church. Please consider viewing it in it's entirety as I believe it may help you understand the issues we are facing!
Professor of Philosophy Executive Director, Agora Institute
Fowler 305a (610) 225-5049 rsnell@eastern.edu
Ph.D., Marquette University: PhilosophyM.A., Boston College: PhilosophyBSc., Liberty University: Rhetorical Theory and Communications
R.J. Snell is Professor of Philosophy at Eastern University and the Templeton Honors College. Concurrently, Dr. Snell is the Executive Director of the Agora Institute. Dr. Snell earned his M.A. in philosophy at Boston College, and his Ph.D. in philosophy at Marquette University, where he was the recipient of the Rev. John P. Raynor Dissertation Fellowship. Research interests include ethics, natural law theory, Thomas Aquinas, and the work of Bernard Lonergan, SJ. He is the author of Through a Glass Darkly: Bernard Lonergan and Richard Rorty on Knowing without a God’s-eye View(Marquette UP), The Perspective of Love: Natural Law in a New Mode(Wipf & Stock), Acedia and its Discontents: Metaphysical Boredom in an Empire of Desire (Angelico), and co-author (with Steve Cone) of Authentic Cosmopolitanism (Wipf & Stock). He writes and lectures frequently in a variety of academic and popular venues. During the 2015-16 academic year he is William E. Simon Visiting Fellow in Religion and Public Life in the James Madison Program of Princeton University.
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