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Ministry Task Forces Forming

Writer's picture: Rick CorderRick Corder

From its inception, the Wesleyan Covenant Association has worked for a revitalized Methodist witness globally. The WCA is committed to reaching all people with the Gospel of Jesus Christ and inviting every person to be a follower of Jesus Christ transformed by the grace and love of God.

As some form of separation in The United Methodist Church appears increasingly likely, the WCA is committed to connecting theologically aligned congregations to one another through the launch of a new global Methodist Church committed to the historic Christian faith in the Wesleyan tradition. As this warm-hearted Wesleyan witness is launched, we desire to multiply local church ministries in a number of key areas of ministry focus.

The recent Global Legislative Assembly held by the Wesleyan Covenant Association authorized the creation of six ministry task forces to identify best practices, discern God’s call, and connect and resource local churches in ministry as we move into a new season of outreach to our neighbors globally. These task forces are now being formed. We invite you to nominate yourself or others as possible members of such task forces.

The task forces being formed by the WCA are as follows:

  1. Accountable Discipleship – identifying, developing and deploying effective models for disciple making as an integral part of the ministry of local churches, and communicating the necessity of every Christ follower embracing the call to be disciples and to be makers of disciples.

  2. Church Multiplication – the establishment of new local churches or the launching of additional sites of existing churches particularly in communities where there is no witness to the historic Christian faith in the Wesleyan tradition and where existing churches are not reaching significant communities in a geographic area.

  3. Church Revitalization – empowering existing churches to embrace ministries that will renew and restore the mission of the church for new generations and in communities experiencing significant changes.

  4. Global Missional Partnerships – developing and deploying effective partnerships for local churches to be in ministry with one another globally across geographic boundaries to advance the Kingdom of God and reach people of diverse cultures with the love of Jesus.

  5. Missional Ministry in the Margins – identifying and deploying effective models for local churches to be in ministry with the poor, marginalized, addicted, and recovering.

  6. Ministry with Young People and Young Adults – addressing the challenge for local churches in reaching teens, shepherding them through the transition to adulthood, and engaging those who are navigating further education or entering the workforce so that they continue as committed Christ followers.

The WCA is looking for laity and clergy to serve on these task forces. To nominate yourself or others to serve on one of these task forces, please send an email to identifying the task force; the name, email address, and phone number of the person being nominated; whether the person is laity or clergy, a description of the person’s qualifications or experience; and a statement of why the person is passionate about the task force.

The task forces will meet primarily by video conference and will be led by individuals with considerable expertise in the subject of each task force.

The WCA is excited about the future and the fruit God will produce through our work together.

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