Online Event
Tuesday, April 27, 2021 at 8 PM EDT
Price: Free
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Church governance is being heavily influenced by civil law in America. Church polity impacts the nature and structure of the Christian Church and its theology. The doctrinal and theological practices of traditional Methodism in America have been intentionally undercut by practices of apostate polity, leaving traditional Methodists reeling. What is our polity and church structure to be as traditional Methodists? What are the “distinctives” of a New Traditional Methodist Church?Change is coming. Change is here. “WHY NOW, AND HOW” are we to live out our Christian faith as the traditional people called Methodist? Join us as we explore this important question with the Rev. Dr. Jeff Greenway in this MO WCA Speaker’s Series Event.
The Rev. Dr. Jeffrey E. Greenway has played an integral part in the development of the WCA and its work as chair of The Council of the Wesleyan Covenant Association. He is a graduate of Mount Union College, Asbury Theological Seminary and Wesley Theological Seminary. Jeff has been an evangelical leader in the West Ohio Annual Conference, a local pastor, district superintendent, and former president of Asbury Theological Seminary.
Zoom Link:
Topic: MOWCA Speaker's Series Rev. Dr. Jeff Greenway "Why Now, and How?" Time: Apr 27, 2021 07:00 PM Central Time (US and Canada)
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