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Writer's pictureRick Corder

Nominees Sought for WCA Council Class of 2023

Laity, clergy, and local churches that are members of the Wesleyan Covenant Association (WCA) shape the decisions of the WCA in two significant ways. First, they elect delegates from their regional chapters to attend the association’s Global Legislative Assembly (GLA), and second, they nominate persons the assembly delegates elect to serve on the WCA’s Council.

Since the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in the postponement of this year’s assembly, delegates will elect the members of the WCA Council’s Class of 2023 via online ballots during the week of October 26-31. The delegates will then meet on April 30, 2021 at Frazer Church in Montgomery, Alabama. On behalf of all WCA’s members, they will act on a number of legislative matters as the WCA planning for the future of a vital, vibrant Methodist movement.

The WCA is dedicated to advancing the historic Christian faith in the Wesleyan tradition, and connecting together Spirit-filled, orthodox laity, clergy, and churches. Committed to the authority of Scripture and the Lordship of Jesus Christ, the association is focused on a positive and faithful future for the people called Methodists.

More than 300 assembly delegates will represent WCA members – individuals and local churches – from around the world. They are allocated based on the number of individual members and local church memberships in each regional chapter’s area, and they are elected by each regional chapter’s membership.

The WCA Council is composed of 27 members, elected by the assembly delegates, and they are divided into three classes with each class serving a three-year term. An additional nine members are elected by the WCA Council to ensure the council’s diversity. The current members of the WCA Council are listed here. Currently, twelve women, ten laity, four African Americans, three Asian Americans, three Hispanic Americans, and five international persons are among those serving on the council. The president of the WCA also serves as a voting member.

The nine members in the class of 2020 will rotate off the council this October and they will be replaced by the class of 2023. While the council will nominate persons to serve in the class of 2023, all WCA members are welcome to make additional nominations. In order for nominees to be considered, their nomination must be received in writing by September 26. Nominees must be association members in good standing and must affirm the association’s Statement on Biblical Authority, Statement of Faith, and Statement of Moral Principles found in Article I of the WCA Bylaws.

If you are a WCA member and you wish to nominate yourself or another member to serve on the council, you must complete a nomination form and return it to Teresa Marcus, Executive Secretary to the President of the WCA, at, by September 26.


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