HAPPY NEW YEAR, brothers and sisters! HALLELUJAH! Thank you for joining the prayer shield as God is bringing the new expression of Methodism to life. Below is the first in a bi-monthly series of emails meant to strengthen and inspire you in this work. Our deep gratitude goes to Karen Phillips for authoring these messages!
We enter 2021 with a mission in front of us. Jesus has called each one of you to build a Prayer Shield to protect what He is bringing forth in the earth for the Methodist people. When Jesus instructed His disciples to build, He first instructed them to sit down and count the cost to see if they had enough to complete the task. We know that in this building process we will meet resistance, and we must determine if we are strong enough to encounter the darkness that seeks to steal, kill and destroy Jesus’ plans on the earth. Luke 14:28,31 As we join together to build this prayer shield and engage in spiritual warfare for the birthing of this new expression of Methodists….. have you counted the cost and said “yes”?
We are called to raise our shields of Faith over the Mother – the Church – until this child is fully birthed into the earth. It can be a perilous time as God shows us in Revelation 12 that at the point of birth, an enemy stands before the Mother to devour her child.
We have an enemy who opposes our God and seeks to steal, kill and destroy our faith in God. He attacks our faith with FEAR – False Evidence Appearing Real. Fear can be an emotion that is the result of believing a lie, or it can be a spirit on assignment to hinder and prevent the faith needed to bring God’s will into the earth.
Before we can raise a shield to protect others, we must make sure that we can stand the test and we are able to stand our ground – by faith.
Check yourself:
· Is the voice of the enemy able to penetrate your thinking with fears?
· Do you wrestle with negative thoughts and feelings?
· Do you struggle with depression, despair, discouragement, delay?
Every time you give in to FEAR, you have laid aside your shield of faith. Now fiery arrows have an entry point, and the enemy will rain down these fiery arrows until you become wounded or weary.
We have a choice. Death or Life. Fear or Faith. As we cast down the fear and stand in faith, we take hold of our inheritance and the promises of Abraham. Fear not. I Am your shield and your exceeding great reward. Genesis 15:1
The enemy’s plan is to keep doubt and fear alive so the plans and purposes of God for you will be thwarted. He will work to make a gap in our Shield of Faith in which to thwart the process for this New Expression to come forth. So, take hold of God’s promise “Fear Not”. Remember, He has promised to be your shield. And He will lead you to His plans and purposes, your destiny in Christ, and our destiny as a Corporate Body of Christ.
Declare OUT LOUD: “I will not submit to Fear, I believe the promise of Abraham that God is my shield and my exceeding great reward.“
This is your warfare, to wield your sword “the Word of God” and speak it out loud for the enemy to hear and for angels to respond.
After you have checked yourself, what do you hear from colleagues? What are the voices saying in your Annual Conference? Is there hope-filled expectation, or is there fear, doubt, despair of the extended wait and the unknown? What is the atmosphere that covers your region? The atmosphere of God’s Kingdom is righteousness, peace, and joy through Holy Spirit. Romans 14:17
Do you see or hear fatigue? One of our disciplines from Hebrews 12 is verse 12: strengthen the hands that are weak and the knees that are feeble, making straight paths for your feet so that the limb which is lame may not be put out of joint but rather be healed. Hebrews 12:12-13
As part of your prayer time this month:
· Read Isaiah 35, especially verses 3-4. Pray over those who are in need of encouragement.
· Ask God … who is exhausted and needs strength?
· Who has an anxious heart? Who needs to hear the words “Fear Not”
· Be bold and make a phone call. Pray for those who are in need.
· As you continue in Isaiah 35, pray the “Then” promises of God in verses 5-7 over our churches, our Annual Conferences, and our nations.
Prayer Points for the WCA:
· Anything the WCA leadership needs to see will be seen
· Whatever the leadership needs to hear, they will hear, especially the voice of the Lord
· A renewed strength to run the race
· Voices of hope-filled joy to break forth
· Times of refreshing
· Heavenly plans to build a Highway of Holiness
· True revival for the Methodist people
· As you continue to pray for the WCA Leadership remember to pray the armor of God over each member.
Father, we thank You that You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of power, love and a sound mind.2 Timothy 1:7 We know God that You are love and as we dwell in that love, You are in us and we are in You. As You are, so are we, and this love has perfected in us a mighty boldness. Thank You that there is no fear in Your love, and You surround us in Your perfect love that casts out all fear. Lord, wherever there is fear, we ask that You pour out Your perfect love so that those troubled with fear will be made perfect by Your love. Thank You for first loving us.1 John 4:16-19 Amazing love, how can this be, that You, our King would die for me. This amazing love, I know that it is true, and it truly is my joy to serve and honor You. Amen
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